Many of my clients are creatives too. Their work is often carefully considered, and there’s a passion for expressing something that comes right from the heart.
I don’t believe art is only displayed on canvas in a gallery, there is artistry involved in any act that involves self expression.
Many of the healers I’ve worked with have discovered their gifts through personal experiences, and are therefore sharing something very meaningful.
My work has to help them communicate that, so it’s important to me that I get to know my clients’ story, and invest time in my creative process. To honour them, and their craft.
Lately I don’t have any interest in doing ‘quick logos’, without diving into the deeper meaning, so I started to say no to these projects, and focus more on those that push my creativity to new levels. My old mantra again...less, but better.
This was a project for my dear friend and powerful queen @sewilensky sharing reiki healing and magical yin ✋🏻✨🤚🏻 (📸 @jake_paul_white)